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Understanding the Impact of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education Change Impact Programme

Understanding the impact and value of enterprise and entrepreneurship activity for students and stakeholders.

Despite significant growth over the past two decades, the true effect of enterprise and entrepreneurship activity on students, staff and the wider economic system remains unclear. Our Understanding the Impact of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education Change Impact Programme has been designed to help you effectively understand the outcomes enterprise and entrepreneurship education have had in your institution. 

Our programme provides a collaborative space to review, develop and implement strategies that improve the value and impact of enterprise and entrepreneurship education. It will offer tailored consultancy, combined with collaboration and facilitated discussions led by experienced sector experts and access to current practices. 

Institutions will have space to develop strategies and initiatives to enhance the impact and value of enterprise and entrepreneurship education activity. Participants will gain access to tools to effectively communicate their successes to external stakeholders and improve funding applications. 

Register interest

Complete the form below to register your interest in the Understanding the Impact of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education Change Impact Programme and we will keep you updated with further information as it’s released. 

Register interest
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Programme benefits 

  • Gain insights into the short, mid and long-term impacts of enterprise and entrepreneurship education. 
  • Demonstrate a commitment to enhancing employability through the development of enterprise and entrepreneurial skills in students and graduates. 
  • Implement effective teaching and learning activities that benefit various stakeholders. 
  • Develop case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of your activities, which can be used for marketing purposes and as evidence for external assessments and funding applications. 
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Programme delivery

This Change Impact Programme is delivered with a mix of in-person workshops alongside virtual meetings and online consultancy. Participants can expect the following key elements: 

A change impact survey:

You will complete this survey to help us identify where you are currently as an institution and to identify key areas for improvement.

A face-to-face scoping workshop:

To discuss survey outcomes and set project directions. This will be facilitated by the project leads.

Bespoke workshops:

To support development and implementation of the impact project or initiative, working with staff, students and, where appropriate, external stakeholders.

Additional consultancy support:

From the project leads via ‘in person’ or ‘online café’ sessions which can be used to discuss progress and address any challenges or opportunities.

A final face-to-face workshop:

Facilitated by the project leads, to reflect on outcomes to date, share good practice, solve any challenges and confirm future priorities.

A briefing report:

To identify how to embed new practices in reviewing and communicating the impact of enterprise and entrepreneurship education.
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