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For many institutions students are the single largest source of income and vital to the institution's survival and sustainability. As a consequence, the quality of the student experience and the ability to attract students to the institution, especially now many students are paying higher tuition fees, is of high importance.


Governing bodies are responsible for a number of student-related matters and normally expected to ensure:

  • all aspects of the student experience are consistent with the institution's mission and strategic direction.
  • services and processes are in place to provide student support.
  • they carry out any statutory responsibilities in relation to students which cannot be delegated.
  • student unions operate properly and within regulatory requirements.
  • student appeals, complaints and disciplinary procedures are conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Additional resources

Briefing note 9: Students

Students are beneficiaries and stakeholders of higher education. When selecting a provider and course, students increasingly seek to make well-informed choices, especially in a market where higher tuition fees apply. More data to inform student choice, a demographic downturn, and rivalry between providers means that competition to recruit students has increased. Governing bodies need to be alert to these trends. Following enrolment, governing bodies should monitor student retention, progression rates and, finally, graduate destinations.
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Governor responsibilities