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Advance HE Surveys Conference 2018 - Mind the Gap - Jonathan Pratt and Cathi Fredricks

We undertook an investigation of multiple source survey data to understand better the differential satisfaction and outcomes for combined honours students at Canterbury Christ Church University. The result provides a case study for utilising data to inform enhancements to teaching and the student experience of belonging. Analysis of survey data led to new insights about the student experience and a cross-institutional teaching and learning research project. Our experience in the project’s first stage provides a case study for using survey data to challenge preconceptions and create dialogue about teaching and learning in order improve student satisfaction retention and achievement.
Advance HE Surveys Conference 2018 - Mind the Gap - Jonathan Pratt and Cathi Fredricks.pdf
Advance HE Surveys Conference 2018 - Mind the Gap - Jonathan Pratt and Cathi Fredricks.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.