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Basing course design on learning outcomes: workshop

This paper was presented at the 2008 Engineering Conference - Innovation Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education.

Programme Leaders are expected to be able to demonstrate that students are offered the opportunity of achieving the learning outcomes specified in the UKSPEC Output Standards. Programme leaders are further expected to demonstrate how the learning outcomes at programme and module level map onto the UKSPEC learning outcomes. This assumes that courses are designed and structured in a coherent fashion.

This workshop will focus upon course design using learning outcomes and will offer participants the opportunity to explore the issues involved in this process.

By the end of the session participants will: be able to describe the issues involved in course design based on learning outcomes; have a better understanding of the need to map module and programme learning outcomes to each other and the UKSPEC; have experienced an activity through which they have begun to engage in a programme design process; and advise course and programme teams on the essential characteristics of a programme design that meets the output requirements of the UKSPEC.

The session activities will include: a brief introduction on design for assessment using the UKSPEC; breakout group activities that involve designing a programme that meets the UKSPEC a module for that programme with learning outcomes that contribute to the programme learning outcomes and an assignment and criteria for assessing the module learning outcomes; and a final plenary where group activities and outcomes will be shared and evaluated.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.