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Communicating equality data

To make the most of equality data, it is vital that key messages are shared across an institution in order to improve service provision.

The University of Kent has re-launched a staff Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) network. It includes the equal opportunities representatives within academic schools, representatives from Kent Union and harassment contacts to facilitate internal communication channels and improve understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion issues.

The network has already been used to conduct a survey to identify and share good practice initiatives between academic schools and departments throughout the institution. This has led to the development of a new dignity at study policy, revision of the support to study procedure, production of a suite of EDI fliers, termly meetings between student services staff and disability contacts in academic schools and joint working with the university’s learning and teaching network to deliver seminars on the use of inclusive learning plans and support to study procedures for Kent students.

The University of Brighton has a student timeline that staff can access, which ensures that messages to different groups of students are refined and targeted at key points in the academic calendar. The timeline has recently been complemented through a piece of research following a new group of students through the application to their first term experience. This has provided considerable insight into different student journeys and when they require certain bits of information, and how they prefer to be communicated with.

Related publications

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Equality Challenge Unit.