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Criminology as an augmented reality: A multi-purpose e-learning platform to support student understanding of Applied Criminology - HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight

Holistic understanding can be augmented by using real world examples to challenge and stimulate critical awareness of crime and criminality.  This presentation outlines the development of a multi-purpose e-learning tool to facilitate deeper student learning in a diverse criminology syllabus that covers criminology criminal justice theory and forensic investigations. An augmented reality video media and materials were produced relating to a complex crime event presented in a consolidated way to introduce students to criminality and the diverse issues for practitioners and associated experts; bridging the gap between detailed theoretical perspectives and practical applications. Please can attendees at this session bring along smart phones or tablets as the session is interactive. It will also be useful to have downloaded the 'Nearpod' App ahead of the session if possible.

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University of Portsmouth

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.