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Engaging students to improve student retention and success in higher education in Wales

This publication draws on a conference organised by the HEA and HEFCW in May 2010 entitled Improving retention and success: retaining students to and through higher education.

The publication presents:

  • an overview of student retention and success in Wales;
  • a summary of the conceptual model 'student engagement to improve retention and success' developed as part of the 'What works? student retention and success' programme;
  • illustrative examples from Welsh higher education institutions that relate to and demonsrate the key elements of the conceptual model;
  • future priorities for Welsh higher education institutions including reflective questions on strategy development.

It is aimed at staff working in the following areas of higher education: senior management and resource planning admissions equality and diversity student services marketing and recruitment retention research and widening access though it will be of interest to all staff with responsibility for retaining successful students to and through higher education.

engagingstudentstoimproveretention_final_english.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.