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Enhancing the Oxford Brookes undergraduate Fitness to Practise Governance with e-Learning tools for professionalism

The current focus on professionalism and ethical compassionate behaviour demands exploring further how pre-qualifying health and social care students should be best taught professionalism. There is a lack of a contemporary evidence base for this.

Brookes University has a well developed student Fitness to Practise (F2P) preparation for placement in pre-qualifying Health and Social Care programmes. We are beginning to implement a e-learning activity into this process using the Dundee Polyprofessionalism tools designed to engage students in learning professionalism through the activity itself and subsequent classroom dialogue utilising cohort specific data.

enhancing_the_oxford_brookes_undergraduate_fitness_to_practise_governance_with_e-learning_tools_for_professionalism.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.