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Enhancing student learning through effective formative feedback

Student Enhanced Learning through Effective Feedback (SENLEF) was a project funded by the LTSN Generic Centre (now Higher Education Academy) to develop a resource for practitioners wishing to improve their feedback practice to students or get some new ideas on how to enhance their current practice.

The idea for the project came from the Universities Scotland Educational Development Committee. The project team explored feedback issues with higher education institutions (HEIs) across Scotland. The outcomes include the following:

  • A series of case studies
  • A theoretical model
  • Seven principles for good effective practice
  • A questionnaire for others to contribute
  • further case studies
  • Workshop plans for using the materials.

This publication includes a small selection of the case studies the theoretical model and the seven principles and the workshop plans for using the materials. It is worthwhile reiterating the seven principles of good feedback practice that we have identified.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.