Academic staff have a crucial role to play in ensuring that higher education institutions are inclusive and accessible, and encourage good relations between the diverse groups that study, work, or otherwise engage with them.
These short factsheets are designed to help raise awareness among academic staff of their responsibilities in this area and promote the development of equality and diversity expertise as a key competence for teaching and learning.
These factsheets can be used as a resource to support professional development programmes for academic staff, in equality and diversity training, or as a general awareness-raising tool.
The legal framework
A framework of domestic and European legislation relating to equality and human rights provides the context within which teaching and learning are delivered.
Separate briefings outline the legal situation for academics working in England and Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland.
Inclusive practice
Inclusive practice recognises the diversity of students, enabling all students to access course content, fully participate in learning activities and demonstrate their knowledge and strengths at assessment.
Pastoral care
Academic staff have a crucial role to play in providing pastoral support, being best placed to observe behaviour in the learning environment that might indicate a student is in need of support.
Promoting good relations
Academic staff have a role to play in promoting good relations in the design and delivery of courses, and in the relationships they build with students.