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Exploring the use of video as a method to promote doctoral students self-reflection on their research experiences

This is a student project grant given by ESCalate in 2008 to Carol Taylor of Sheffield Hallam University. This project aims to use digital video to facilitate doctoral students' reflexivity on their doctoral journey. The practical element of the project will involve students participating in a series of hands-on workshops where they will gain skills in the use of digital video editing and software packages (videopapers). In addition to developing a series of skills this practical element of the project aims to provide a space and the opportunities for students to reflect on their doctoral learning journeys in order to identify what they see as the critical incidents significant learnings and key events of that journey. These reflections can then be used as the basis for personal and professional development through the production of their own videopapers or videonarratives. Follow-up audio interviews with participating students will provide space for students' further reflection on their personal and professional development through the use of video and videopapers as self-presentation tools. These interviews aim to obtain a greater insight into students' views on the journey from doctoral student to becoming researcher. The interviews will also consider the potential advantages which video offers for self-presentation and professional development eg that it is a visual embodied and self-reflexive mode of self-presentation and also what they consider to be its ethical implications. The final outcome of the project will involve students' collaborative production of guidelines for the use of video as a reflective tool with doctoral students. This project aims to utilise digital video in participatory innovative and creative ways to provide opportunities for doctoral students' self-reflection and to use video for personal and professional development purposes. It also provides scope to consider the methodological significance of using video in this way given that video is culturally constructed as an 'everyday' participatory practice but it also carries significant ethical implications

Grant type: Student (2006-9)
Round: Student 2008
Amount awarded £2 000.00
Completed: August 2009
Leader(s): Ms Carol Taylor
Organisation: Sheffield Hallam University-Education
Contact Email:
Contact phone: 0114-225-6260
Start Date: 13 October 2008
End Date: 3 April 2009
Interim report received: 28 July 2009
Final report received: 25 August 2009

This project aims to use digital video to facilitate doctoral students' reflexivity on their doctoral journey. The practical element of the project will involve students participating in a series of hands-on workshops where they will gain skills in the use of digital video editing and software packages (videopapers). In addition to developing a series of skills this practical element of the project aims to provide a space and the opportunities for students to reflect on their doctoral learning journeys in order to identify what they see as the critical incidents significant learnings and key events of that journey. These reflections can then be used as the basis for personal and professional development through the production of their own videopapers or videonarratives. Follow-up audio interviews with participating students will provide space for students' further reflection on their personal and professional development through the use of video and videopapers as self-presentation tools. These interviews aim to obtain a greater insight into students' views on the journey from doctoral student to becoming researcher. The interviews will also consider the potential advantages which video offers for self-presentation and professional development eg that it is a visual embodied and self-reflexive mode of self-presentation and also what they consider to be its ethical implications. The final outcome of the project will involve students' collaborative production of guidelines for the use of video as a reflective tool with doctoral students. This project aims to utilise digital video in participatory innovative and creative ways to provide opportunities for doctoral students' self-reflection and to use video for personal and professional development purposes. It also provides scope to consider the methodological significance of using video in this way given that video is culturally constructed as an 'everyday' participatory practice but it also carries significant ethical implications

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.