The pressures on higher education institutions (HEIs) to become ‘smarter’ in their teaching are now considerable. We have long heralded the potential of technology for enhancing learning both in quality and in cost-effectiveness. Yet many feel that our elearning developments have been patchy and that in some subject areas the student experience is so far changed only in marginal ways by technology.
The Welsh ‘Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Technology’ programme was established in 2007 following the publication of a strategy document by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW). Funding to support the programme was allocated for the period 2007-08 to 2009-10. In March 2008 HEFCW invited the Higher Education Academy (HEA) to support institutions in the development and implementation of their learning technology enhancement activities based on the strategy. The HEA designed a programme of support running from 2008 to 2011.This booklet presents a summary both of the institutional activities and achievements throughout this programme called Gwella and of the support provided for it.