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Inclusive teaching inclusive learning: A model for the academic and social integration of first year undergraduate Social Work students in higher education


This report presents a model of a holistic and inclusive approach to learning teaching assessment and student support in the early stages of the undergraduate Social Work course. A challenging element of the first year curriculum where the issues of social divisions power and inequality are introduced provides a focus for discussion. The model described takes account of student diversity and varied learning requirements. It evolved in collaboration with staff and in response to students’ accounts of university life gained through a series of action research projects.

Learning teaching and support for learning strategies to engage students in the pre-entry and induction stages of their course are discussed. Ideas on classroom delivery are included as are ways in which formative and diagnostic assessment can help students prepare for the first big assessment.
The model can be adapted to be of practical use to Social Work educators.


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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.