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Integrating personal tutoring with personal development planning

Much of the research into Personal Development Planning (PDP) has been focused upon its application as a mechanism to reflect upon and improve student learning and performance. From a personal tutor perspective however it has much wider possibilities to improve the support offered to students by developing and enhancing interactions between tutors and students. By engaging in the PDP process tutors can take a more holistic view of the student and to be proactive in helping them to recognise and communicate their own achievements.

In the University of Westminster a personal tutoring system has been devised which is integrated with the curriculum and is linked to PDP. This case study explains the rationale for developing a PDP system that is integrated with personal tutoring. It evaluates the experience of delivering and supporting PDP through personal tutoring identifying some of the positive impacts of the current system and some of the issues that have arisen.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.