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Male access and success in higher education

A discussion paper to promote and inform the debate within and between institutions about gendered differentials in higher education.

The Higher Education Academy hosted a seminar in July 2010 on 'Male access and success in HE'. This was in response to continuing sector wide concerns not only about gendered differences in attainment but also in the participation and retention of male students.

Following on from the seminar this discussion paper has been produced to raise the profile of the agenda and to promote and inform the debate within and between institutions about gendered differentials in HE. It seeks to provide an overview of the issues based on the latest research evidence and to highlight some institutional strategies designed to address the barriers thought to account in part for the underachievement of male students.

The target audience is policy makers; funders; senior managers in HEIs; academic and non-academic support staff; those involved with admissions WP retention and progression to employment; equality officers; staff and educational developers; and researchers.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.