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The personal learning styles pedagogy


Individuals process information in different ways and an understanding of this fact has been vitally important to me as a learner teacher and researcher. The Personal Learning Styles Pedagogy (PLSP) (Evans and Waring 2009; 2014) was developed to support awareness of the role of cognitive styles in learning and importantly to demonstrate pragmatic ways in which this knowledge could be used effectively in teaching. The research and practice-informed PLSP was specifically designed to support student and teacher/lecturer agency and empowerment in learning. Comprehending how to incorporate an understanding of cognitive styles (how we process information) into pedagogical practice is essential within 21st century learning environments if we are to support learners to become effective self-regulators throughout their lives.  Fundamentally the PLSP is an example of a culturally inclusive pedagogy in that it uses the cultural characteristics experiences and perspectives of diverse learners and builds a pedagogy incorporating this awareness of individual differences with the intention of ensuring that all learners have access to learning and teaching environments.


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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.