The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is the largest sector-wide survey aimed at gaining insight from taught postgraduate students about their learning and teaching experience.
PTES ran from February to June 2017 with institutions choosing when to do the survey within this window.
With over 84 500 students completing the survey this year PTES achieved a record response.
PTES 2017 saw the inclusion of a question that assesses retention vulnerability: ‘Have you considered for any reason leaving or suspending your study?’ The addition of this question has allowed fruitful analysis of the data which along with overall course satisfaction is one of the central foci for the 2017 report.
The data was analysed according to key demographic characteristics and as a result the report makes important links to widening participation equality and diversity.
The PTES results webinar is taking place at 12:30 BST on Wednesday 25 October 2017.