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Review of HR systems in Scottish colleges to support improvements in workforce equality, with related recommendations

The research and recommendations in this report form a part of the Supporting workforce diversity: progressing staff equality project which aims to establish a baseline of equality for staff in Scotland’s colleges and support improvement for any challenges identified.

Across the college sector in Scotland there are disparities in staff equality data gathering and reporting mechanisms. Colleges have less information on staff equality issues and the impacts of these than they have for students, with some of the issues arising from ongoing merger and transition arrangements. There is a recognition that this, in turn, causes a number of difficulties for colleges in being able to address their equality duties for staff.

This research report investigates the systems and processes used to gather staff data and makes recommendations as to possible improvements.

Review of HR systems in Scottish colleges to support improvements in workforce equality, with related recommendations PDF
Review of HR systems in Scottish colleges to support improvements in workforce equality, with related recommendations PDF View Document
Review of HR systems in Scottish colleges to support improvements in workforce equality, with related recommendations WORD
Review of HR systems in Scottish colleges to support improvements in workforce equality, with related recommendations WORD View Document
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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Equality Challenge Unit.