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Strategic affinity: engaging international alumni to support internationalisation

A report on the latest trends in internationalisation and international alumni relations.

Effective internationalisation delivers more than a portfolio of activities; it serves the whole university community and achieves a deep-rooted and rewarding culture with measurable impact. Successful alumni engagement programmes align institutional priorities with graduates' interests needs and giving potential (philanthropic and otherwise). The benefits of effective alumni relations extend beyond fundraising and the costs of undervaluing graduates' contributions are becoming clearer. Alumni are contributing to a wide range of programmes that add value to institutions' international efforts in meaningful and innovative ways.

Recent developments in internationalisation and alumni relations have been significant and both are the subject of debate research and investment. However little exploration of the potential synergies between the two agendas has been undertaken particularly in the UK. Building on existing work this report highlights case studies of good practice references the latest research and makes recommendations to institutions hoping to develop activity in this area.

The report begins by highlighting the latest trends in internationalisation and international alumni relations and proposes a conceptual framework for developing synergies between them. The studies are presented under three headings and recommendations are drawn from each. These recommendations inform the final commentary which offers a number of strategic principles for maximising the contributions of international alumni to internationalisation.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.