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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: A co-creation approach to strategic enhancement of assessment and feedback in Nursing and Midwifery

This paper reports upon the use of a co-creation methodology to enhance students' experience of assessment and feedback. The approach uses an adaption of Experienced Based Co-design (Robert et al 2015) used to improve healthcare service delivery and informed by the 'students as partners' literature (Healey et al 2014) whereby staff and students worked together in a number of facilitated workshops. The key findings indicated that students found the experience empowering in that they were treated as peers and their opinions contributed to making the course better. Staff reported that working with students in this way made them consider the way they taught more so than any other form of academic development they had received.

A co-creation approach to strategic enhancement of assessment and feedback in Nursing and Midwifery_0.pdf
A co-creation approach to strategic enhancement of assessment and feedback in Nursing and Midwifery_0.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.