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Teaching and Learning Conference 2019: Using language planning and a mesh approach to construct a bilingual learning community: Building an architectural dream

This session is valuable for those teachers seeking to better support our bilingual students and provide bilingual teaching and learning opportunities. Ideas will be shared about how you can plan a module or whole programme and employ certain strategies that will help to construct a bilingual learning community and be inclusive of student bilingual identities. The session details my own learning journey in constructing a programme’s bilingual provision using a Mesh approach borrowed from Engineering Physics and Metallurgy and which is also replicated in Wittgenstein’s philosophies and Systems theory.

Using language planning and a mesh approach to construct a bilingual learning community Building an architectural dream.pdf
Using language planning and a mesh approach to construct a bilingual learning community Building an architectural dream.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.