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Transforming assessment in higher education: a dialogue sheet

This ‘dialogue sheet’ is designed to be a tabletop tool for sharing and exchanging thoughts and ideas.

  • in a ‘good dialogue’ we use and develop each other’s thoughts/input – rather than presenting the ‘winning’ arguments. There are spaces where you can briefly summarise the view of the group and/or write very short summaries of the dialogue
  • the dialogue sheet is your notepad. Write on it, make sketches and drawings. Consensus is not necessary – but all opinions should be listened to and made visible in the notes
  • in practice the individual closest to a task or question reads it out loud – and writes the notes. This can also be shared with others as an artefact that represents a certain group’s views on assessment or set out key issues and considerations
  • it is important the group works through the three steps as set out on the sheet as each step is intended to guide reflection and discussion in a systematic and structured way.
Transforming assessment in higher education: a dialogue sheet
Transforming assessment in higher education: a dialogue sheet View Document