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Transition retention and attainment (Wales)

Transition Retention and Attainment (Wales) - Strategic Enhancement Programme

The TRA-SEP (Wales) is an initiative across Wales supporting institutions in developing their strategies around student retention and success. The programme’s key themes of the student experience the curriculum and the use sharing and developing of data are aimed at developing holistic approaches to student support across the student lifecycle; developing and sharing best use of learning analytics and designing approaches to the curriculum that strengthen engagement and promotes retention.

Participating institutions already have a strong background working across these areas. For the purposes of this programme they are focusing on specific issues which are briefly outlined below and all universities aim to share across the sector findings related to principles practices and modes of delivery.

You can now see more of the work of the HEA TRA-SEP participating institutions by downloading the case studies at the bottom of the page and the presentations from our Ready for retention? conference.


Project Lead

 Principal focus

Aberystwyth University

Prof  John Grattan


Further developing the University’s work on curriculum tutorial support and community life to ensure all students feel at home and are at reduced risk of withdrawal; developing a holistic and integrated approach to the management of vulnerable student groups; and sharing approaches to learning analytics across the sector.

Bangor University


Sue Clayton

Director of Academic Development Unit

Implementing coherent and consistent tracking and support systems across the institution. Better collaboration across academic and service units to further enhance the monitoring and support of student transition and progression.

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Claire Morgan

Dean for Learning and Teaching

Reviewing the withdrawal process early warning systems and current activity on retention and transition with the aim of developing a more holistic and joined up approach to retention.


Cardiff University

Fiona Morgan

Lecturer/Systematic Reviewer

This project will evaluate Cardiff’s use of MOOCs in the transition to higher education and consider the extent to which such programmes can be used to effect a sense of belonging in the pre-arrival to University.


Cardiff University


Janet Peters

Director of University Libraries and University Librarian

Establishing the extent to which existing work at Cardiff around the changing nature and demands of postgraduate transitions is scalable across the sector. Developing a shared understanding of student need at the post-graduate level and providing recommendations for best practice

Glyndŵr University


Dr Richard Dover

Director of Quality Learning and Teaching


Developing and creating the sharing of data on student transition and engagement. The effective use of data as a support to staff working to enhance student retention

Swansea University

Prof Michael Draper

Associate Professor College of Law and Chair of the Swansea Academy of Inclusivity and Learner Support (SAILS)


Further enhancing institutional and staff capacity to offer peer mentoring as part of a framework of support to student transition at all levels.

The Open University in Wales


Simon Horrocks

Assistant Director (Development Learning & Teaching)

Enhancing (including through use of learning analytics) the experience of disabled students in the early stages of their engagement with the University. Building the capacity of staff to deliver that experience. Sharing and sustaining lessons learned. 


University of South Wales


Dr Ben Calvert

Pro-Vice-Chancellor - Learning Teaching and Student Experience


The further development of immersive learning as a vehicle to deliver excellent transition. Adapting recognised solutions to the specific and diverse needs at the course level.

University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)

Prof Simon Haslett

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International and Enhancement);

To further develop and enhance the University’s Life Design (a holistic approach to students’ futures) across additional faculties and units. Improving integration and collaboration around student transition and retention.

Case studies

Aberystwyth University - Understanding student withdrawal factors and improving retention

Bangor University - The 3 Rs of Retention: Re-engagement; re-submissions; re-direction - Psychology Summer School

Cardiff Metropolitan University - Having the difficult conversation: how retention is being addressed at Cardiff Met

Cardiff University - Developing a shared understanding of the changing nature and demands of postgraduate student study skills need providing recommendations for best practice and developing online study skills material

Wrexham Glyndŵr University - Effective Use of Student Data to Support and Enhance Student Retention Wrexham Glyndŵr University (WGU)

Swansea University - Student peer mentoring: an E-Tool Kit

University of South Wales - Development of an Immersive Learning Tool-Kit: Embedding Immersive Learning

University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Life Design Hub - A holistic approach to student futures

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Pontio Cadw Myfyrwyr a Chyrhaeddiad (Cymru) – Rhaglen Gwella Strategol

Menter ledled Cymru yw'r Rhaglen hon (TRA-SEP Cymru) sy'n cefnogi sefydliadau o ran datblygu eu strategaethau cadw myfyrwyr a llwyddiant myfyrwyr. Nod themâu allweddol y rhaglen sef profiad myfyrwyrcwricwlwmdefnyddio rhannu a datblygu data yw datblygu dulliau holistaidd o gefnogi myfyrwyr ar hyd cylch bywyd myfyriwr; datblygu a rhannu'r ffyrdd gorau o ddefnyddio dulliau dadansoddi dysgu a dylunio dulliau cwricwlwm sy'n cryfhau gwaith ymgysylltu ac yn hybu cyfraddau cadw myfyrwyr.

Mae gan y sefydliadau sy'n cymryd rhan gefndir cadarn eisoes o ran gweithio yn y meysydd hyn. At ddibenion y rhaglen hon maent yn canolbwyntio ar faterion penodol sydd wedi'u hamlinellu'n fras isod ac mae pob prifysgol yn bwriadu rhannu canfyddiadau yn ymwneud ag egwyddorion arferion a dulliau cyflawni a hynny ledled y sector.

  • Prifysgol
  • Arweinydd Prosiect
  • Prif bwyslais


  • Prifysgol Aberystwyth
  • Yr Athro John Grattan
  • Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor

  • Datblygu gwaith y Brifysgol ar y cwricwlwm cefnogaeth tiwtorial a bywyd cymunedol ymhellach i sicrhau bod pob myfyriwr yn teimlo'n gartrefol ac mewn llai o risg o dynnu allan; datblygu dull holistaidd ac integredig o reoli grwpiau myfyrwyr agored i niwed; a rhannu dulliau o ymdrin â gwaith dadansoddi dysgu ledled y sector.
  • Prifysgol Bangor


  • Sue Clayton
  • Cyfarwyddwr Uned Datblygu Academaidd

  • Gweithredu systemau tracio a chefnogi cydlynol a chyson ledled y sefydliad. Gwell cydweithio ledled unedau academaidd ac unedau gwasanaeth er mwyn gwella'r gwaith o fonitro a chefnogi myfyrwyr ymhellach o ran pontio a dilyniant.
  • Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd
  • Claire Morgan
  • Deon Dysgu ac Addysgu

  • Adolygu'r broses tynnu allan systemau rhybudd cynnar a gweithgarwch presennol ar gadw myfyrwyr a phontio gyda'r nod o ddatblygu dull mwy holistaidd a chydgysylltiedig o gadw myfyrwyr.


  • Prifysgol Caerdydd
  • Fiona Morgan
  • Darlithydd/Adolygydd Systematig

  • Bydd y prosiect hwn yn gwerthuso sut mae Caerdydd yn defnyddio CAEA (MOOCs) yn y broses o bontio i addysg uwch ac yn ystyried i ba raddau mae modd defnyddio rhaglenni o'r fath i weithredu teimlad o berthyn yn y cyfnod cyn cyrraedd y Brifysgol.


  • Prifysgol Caerdydd


  • Janet Peters
  • Cyfarwyddwr Llyfrgelloedd y Brifysgol a Llyfrgellydd y Brifysgol

  • Sefydlu i ba raddau mae modd ehangu gwaith presennol sy'n digwydd yng Nghaerdydd o ran y newid yn natur a gofynion pontio myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig ledled y sector. Datblygu dealltwriaeth eang o angen myfyrwyr ar lefel ôl-raddedig a darparu argymhellion ar gyfer arferion gorau.
  • Prifysgol Glyndŵr


  • Dr Richard Dover
  • Cyfarwyddwr Ansawdd Dysgu ac Addysgu


  • Datblygu a chreu gwaith rhannu data ar bontio ac ymgysylltu â myfyrwyr. Gwneud defnydd effeithiol o ddata fel cefnogaeth i staff sy'n gweithio i wella cyfraddau cadw myfyrwyr.
  • Prifysgol Abertawe
  • Yr Athro Michael Draper
  • Athro Cyswllt Coleg y Gyfraith a Chadeirydd Academi Cynwysoldeb a Chymorth Dysgwyr Abertawe (SAILS)


  • Gwella capasiti'r sefydliad a staff ymhellach i gynnig mentora cyfoedion fel rhan o fframwaith cefnogi ar gyfer pontio myfyrwyr ar bob lefel.
  • Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru


  • Simon Horrocks
  • Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol (Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu)

  • Gwella (gan gynnwys drwy ddefnyddio dulliau dadansoddi dysgu) profiad myfyrwyr anabl yng nghamau cyntaf eu hymwneud â'r Brifysgol. Adeiladu capasiti staff i ddarparu'r profiad hwnnw. Rhannu a chynnal y gwersi a ddysgwyd. 


  • Prifysgol De Cymru


  • Dr Ben Calvert
  • Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor - Dysgu Addysgu a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr


  • Datblygu dysgu drwy drochi ymhellach fel cyfrwng i sicrhau trosi rhagorol. Addasu atebion cydnabyddedig i anghenion penodol ac amrywiol ar lefel y cwrs.
  • Prifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant 
  • Yr Athro Simon Haslett
  • Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor (Rhyngwladol a Gwella)






  • Datblygu a gwella dull Dylunio Bywyd y Brifysgol (dull holistaidd o ystyried dyfodol myfyrwyr) ymhellach ledled cyfadrannau ac unedau ychwanegol. Gwella integreiddio a chydweithio o ran pontio a chadw myfyrwyr.

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.