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Unpicking the verbal communication and confidence gap: Skills desired by employers and students alike yet mainly unaddressed in HE in the UK

Poor verbal communication skills frequently lead to a lack of self-confidence which in turn leads to students not joining networking events with potential employers. Yet teaching transferable skills such as verbal communication seems to be still neglected in the HE curriculum in the UK. In this session delegates will receive an overview of recent research across eight UK universities on factors students and employers consider important for academic achievement and mid-term career prospects. Delegates will also be able to discuss ideas of how to close the verbal communication and self-confidence skills gap and receive suggestions expressed by undergraduate students and faculty.

Unpicking the verbal communication and confidence gap Skills desired by employers and students alike, yet mainly unaddressed in HE in the UK.pdf
Unpicking the verbal communication and confidence gap Skills desired by employers and students alike, yet mainly unaddressed in HE in the UK.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.