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Using animation to enhance the learning experience

In the academic year 2010/11 the HEA funded Learning and Teaching Enhancement projects in Northern Ireland with funding of up to £2 500 per project. The projects covered a range of themes including assessment learning technology and education for sustainable development. This is a report on one of these projects:

The focus of this project is on demonstrating to the students the steps involved in actuarial problem solving rather than just providing the finished product. Actuarial Science is a mathematically complex vocational problem based subject matter requiring a rigorous lecture style to ensure thorough coverage of the theory. This can lead to student difficulty outside the lecture when attempting to apply the theory in practice. The outcome of this project will be a series of animations addressing the theory and application of actuarial science in the workplace. The author anticipates a series of animations being developed following this successful project applying the same framework with continuing cohorts of students on the degree.

02_e_fund_2011_ni_ohare_qub.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.