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Using game-based learning to engage people with Physics: how successful could 'Junkyard Physics' be?

A presentation from the STEM Annual Conference 2014.

This small study was conducted with the aim of contributing to current theories on gamification and its ability to assist with the learning experience. Specifically a prototype of a physics-based game (Junkyard Physics) was developed to teach the basic principles of forces. The resulting prototype was tested on lay people to determine if the game improved their level of understanding of the laws of physics. Testing was conducted via a questionnaire at the Develop conference in Brighton 2013. Results indicate that the game is a good way to engage people with physics although it is acknowledged that with only one game level completed the learning outcomes were limited. The findings indicate that gamification is a valuable educational tool which merits further research and development.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.