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Dr Farhang Morady

Dr Farhang Morady is the pioneer of the Democratic Education Network, a student-focused initiative that has built links with several ethnic communities in London and various partners at an international level, including Georgia, Peru, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam.
University of Westminster
Job Title
Principal Lecturer

Farhang is a Principal Lecturer in Development and International Relations. He has worked for 27 years in the University of Westminster's School of Social Sciences as a lecturer, programme leader, and, since 2016, as Director of the Democratic Education Network (DEN). He pioneered DEN, an extra-curricular and student-focused initiative, engaging students with local and global communities.  

The project has built links with several ethnic communities in London, and various vital strategic partners at the international level, including Georgia, Peru, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. DEN has won an award for positively impacting students’ personal experiences at the University of Westminster in 2017, and in 2018 was a runner-up for the Students’ Experience Award at the prestigious Guardian University Awards.  

Farhang was awarded ‘Outstanding Teacher’ in 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2019 at the Staff Appreciation Awards managed by the Students Union. The awards recognise outstanding commitment and contribution to engaging and supporting students. He has also continued his research in international political economy, the US/Iranian conflict, and state and development in post-revolutionary Iran. He has published several articles, and his most recent publication is Contemporary Iran: Politics, Economy, Religion published in 2020 by Policy Press.  

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