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Ms Caroline Reid

National Teaching Fellow 2011 Caroline Reid works closely with colleagues from across the University providing leadership and academic development to enhance learning, teaching and assessment approaches, and positively influence the student experience. She works in a cross-disciplinary manner with a wide range of subjects and disciplines to explore and develop pedagogic practice. A practitioner at heart, in addition to academic staff development she retains a student teaching role that enables her to keep in touch with students, remain on 'the shop floor' and explore the use of new learning teaching and assessment approaches in her own practice.
Middlesex University
Job Title
Head of Learning and Teaching
National Teaching Fellow 2011 Caroline Reid works closely with colleagues from across the University providing leadership and academic development to enhance learning, teaching and assessment approaches, and positively influence the student experience. She works in a cross-disciplinary manner with a wide range of subjects and disciplines to explore and develop pedagogic practice. A practitioner at heart, in addition to academic staff development she retains a student teaching role that enables her to keep in touch with students, remain on 'the shop floor' and explore the use of new learning teaching and assessment approaches in her own practice. Originating from a professional background in nursing, Caroline has an interest in the value of theory for practice, the challenges of theory-practice integration, and approaches to practitioner research. She has a longstanding interest in the influence of assessment practice on students learning, and their learning experience. She is presently leading a team exploring and developing e-assessment practice across the University and is interested in the possibilities Web 2.0 technologies present for assessment practice. Caroline has been undertaking innovative work to promote student exchange opportunities in Europe. In 2009 she was successful in a funding bid to the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme and British Council, and she is currently leading a three year Erasmus intensive programme project with European partners from Finland, Italy, Malta, Denmark and the Czech Republic. Working with students, their practice mentors and partner academics the project, MINE: Mentoring in Nursing in Europe, aims to explore and enhance the practice learning experiences of students on Erasmus exchange. Caroline fulfils a Learning and Teaching Consultant (Assessment) role with the Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre. Within this role she has established, and leads, an Assessment Special Interest Group for both higher education and clinical colleagues. Keen to disseminate this work more widely, Caroline co-edited an HEA Occasional paper 'Contemporary Issues in Health Sciences and Practice Education' in 2010 to share work emergent from the group.

Advance HE recognises there are different views and approaches to teaching and learning, as such we encourage sharing of practice, without advocating or prescribing specific approaches. NTF and CATE awards recognise teaching excellence in a particular context. The profiles featured are self-submitted by award winners.