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Jamie Shaw

Jamie Shaw is a governance professional with experience supporting both corporate and academic governance in the Higher Education environment. He is now responsible for Governance and Strategic Planning at the General Council of the Bar, the representative body for Barristers in England and Wales. His experience at Universities covers both small specialist providers and large multi-faculty institutions. Previous roles include Head of Governance and Executive Support and Governance Manager at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and a number of professional services roles in areas such as Quality Assurance, Academic Standards and Registry services at the University of Westminster.
Job Title
Head of Strategy, Planning and Governance, The Bar Council

Jamie is passionate about social justice, equity and inclusion and human rights. He maintains a keen interest in the arts, having completed a degree in Fine Art in 2015. He views good governance as facilitating the conditions through which a Governing Body can effectively take good, informed and transparent decisions for the benefit of both the organisation and the society it operates within. He has worked closely with public sector executives and academics and helped to steer a Board through periods of organisational and cultural change.