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Maxine Greaves MBE

Maxine has comprehensive knowledge and research experience of qualifications and inclusive practice frameworks. Equality and Diversity lead, Race Inclusion for LEAD; one of four Directors of True Talk Africa CIC and BAMEed Yorkshire and Humberside lead.
Job Title
Inclusion and Community Development Manager at Principles of Success

Former Equality and Community Engagement Manager at Sheffield Hallam University.

She was a key member of the award-winning team involved in the 'Supporting the transition from primary to secondary, an action research project in Sheffield' (Sheffield Institute of Education (SIOE), Sheffield Hallam University & Sheffield City Council 2014) and Faculty Awards winners 'Equality and Diversity - Transition Project' (2016).

She is the lead co-ordinator in a collaborative project to progress innovative educational provision for adults from African, Asian and Minoritized Groups (AAMG) working as Teaching Assistants, through the development of a pilot vocational qualification. Her expertise and skills focus on the alignment of equality, inclusion, diversity and community cohesion agendas into sustainable curriculum strategies, which has resulted in her presenting a number of research papers at national and international conferences.

Through her work as a practitioner and researcher with a number of agencies she has developed projects to improve the educational experience of vulnerable and socially excluded young people in South Yorkshire.

Founder of Men up North, (2015) and STORM (2019) forums dedicated to the exploration of the creation of patriarchy, and the emotional, cultural, narratives past and present relating to the societal positioning of masculinity.