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New to Teaching

County / Region
United Kingdom
Position on the Pathway
Excellence in practice
Fellowship Category
Event Type
Virtual Workshop
Teaching and Learning
Start Date
End Date
2 hours every Wednesday for 6 Weeks (2 week Easter break 05&12 April)
Institution Type
Higher Education and Further Education
Price From



In the face of the continuing effects of the global pandemic, university teaching staff need to be ready to start the new academic year on a socially distanced campus, teaching in both hybrid and online spaces. Effective and engaging teaching in socially distanced campus and an online or blended environment requires an understanding of effective pedagogies for online and hybrid teaching. For those who are not experienced in online teaching or those who are new to teaching generally, this can feel challenging. Advance HE has designed New to Teaching, aimed at nurturing and developing contemporary professional learning, with a particular focus on the basics of effective teaching practice, incorporating latest innovations in online pedagogies and digital delivery within fully virtual or hybrid teaching spaces. The programme models approaches and activities which can be taken into HE teaching, positioning the participant as a learner in online spaces and inviting them to reflect critically on the experiences in order to enhance their own teaching practices.

Course Content

This is an online programme with synchronous and asynchronous activities which consist of a mixture of whole cohort/ collaborative/individual activities. The online format provides added flexibility, acknowledging the time pressures faced by academics. The programme is divided into six learning blocks, requiring roughly 3-4 hours hours of study each week, over six weeks; a 2-hour live interactive session and approximately 1-2 hours of directed study. Each live session will be recorded and the resources will be made available to participants for an additional month afterward the formal end of the course on Advance HE’s virtual learning environment. The online format provides added flexibility, acknowledging the time pressures faced by teaching staff.

Programme structure

(the order of specific weeks are subject to change)

  • Week 1: Introduction to learning and teaching & building communities of learners
  • Week 2: Planning, learning outcomes and assessment and feedback
  • 2 week Easter break
  • Week 3: Inclusive teaching practice 
  • Week 4: The Tech Clinic: A showcase of tools, and reflective practice and action planning
  • Week 5: Effective approaches to online or virtual teaching 
  • Week 6: Microteaching: A chance to try teaching online 

Learning Outcomes

New to Teaching is designed to enhance your understanding and knowledge of critical areas of practice; knowledge which will, in turn, benefit your students and complement the overall reputation of your academic institution. The programme aims to:

  • provide an introduction to developing effective learning experiences
  • foster creative approaches to teaching and the use of digital platforms and tools within the higher education context
  • provide experience of using digital tools from the learner perspective
  • support individuals in the evaluation of their work and in critically reflective practice
  • facilitate the dissemination of experience and good practice across institutions.

Who should attend?

New to Teaching is a course aimed specifically at those who are new to teaching in HE, new to delivering courses via online platforms, or have received no formal training in HE teaching. New to  Teaching focuses on four critical areas of practice for effectively engaging students, with the thread of online and digital learning running throughout the programme: 

  • How do I design and plan active learning? 
  • What tools can I use to engage students in and beyond live sessions?
  • What assessment and feedback tools can I use to promote meaningful learning?
  • How can I make teaching inclusive of all students?