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Put in place a wide range of pre-entry support measures

Many learners received general advice and guidance to prepare or college from a range of organisations. This included: discussing learning options, the support infrastructure and help to complete applications and prepare for college interviews.

Many learners received general advice and guidance to prepare or college from a range of organisations. This included: discussing learning options, the support infrastructure and help to complete applications and prepare for college interviews.

Others met with college staff who provided information about the college learning environment, what kind of support was available and familiarisation visits at the college campus.  Some older learners received help to “get their education up to scratch again” in preparation for returning to learning after a break.

An ongoing trend throughout the research was the dedication and supportiveness of individual staff members as a key factor in successful transitions.  This primarily included staff working in learning support and guidance roles, as well as teaching staff (in both schools and colleges).

“Secondary school learning support teacher who went over and above her duty to ensure she got all help possible not always with school support.” Parent

“Lifestyle and wellbeing classes could be offered to help disabled people adapt to change and develop their confidence and skills as a pre-entry requirement during the summer so that they are better equipped with knowledge, confidence and coping strategies when things get too stressful”. Parent