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The Disabled Student Commitment Members

Universities, colleges, sector bodies and other organisations signed up to the Disabled Student Commitment.

Below you will find information on all universities, colleges, sector bodies and other relevant organisations who have signed up to the Disabled Student Commitment. This includes name, key contact and progress towards publishing a delivery plan.

A delivery plan is a result of looking holistically at your practices and policies, in consultation with your disabled students, to evaluate how you meet the Disabled Student Commitment and how you intend to enhance the disabled student experience.

The Disabled Student Commitment

The Disabled Student Commitment is a document that aims to secure an enhanced experience for disabled students within higher education.

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Please note that as we receive sign-ups to the Disabled Student Commitment on an ad-hoc basis, this list may not reflect the most recent sign-ups. We will be updating this list as regularly as possible.

Institution/Organisation Key Contact Status
Birmingham City University Kate Waugh Signed-up
Brunel University LondonHenrietta Spalding Signed-up
Edinburgh Napier UniversityJonathan Staal Signed-up
London South Bank University Dr. Iliyan Stefnov Signed-up
New College Durham Suzy Taylor Signed-up
Open University Ciaragh Hubert Signed-up
The University of Law Brian Lutchmiah Signed-up
University of Central Lancashire Craig Austin Signed-up
University College Birmingham Helen Poole Signed-up
University of Greenwich Pauline McFarlane Signed-up
University of Liverpool Dr Paula Harrison Signed-up

The Disabled Students’ Commission

The Disabled Student Commitment was consulted on and authored by the Disabled Students’ Commission. The Disabled Students’ Commission was an independent and strategic group established by the Universities Minister in July 2019 with funding from the Office for Students. It had a key responsibility to advise, inform and influence higher education providers to improve support for disabled students.

Find out more
Buff line

Register your interest 

You can either sign up by filling out the form below or directly by sending an email to, containing a signed letter from your Vice-Chancellor or equivalent member of staff-written clearly outlining the following:

  • The name of your higher education provider or relevant organisation
  • A named key contact for your work around the Commitment moving forward
  • A brief statement on where you are currently in the Commitment process, either (i) intending to work towards the principles in the Commitment, or (ii) have published a delivery plan in consultation with your disabled students'.