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Leadership for the future

Membership for HE Providers in the Republic of Ireland

Advance HE membership packages give you access to world-leading services, supporting you in reaching your institutional and individual goals.

Advance HE’s membership offer in Ireland is informed by global, national, and institutional priorities and is structured under our four strands of expertise – teaching and learning; leadership and management; equality, diversity and inclusion; and governance.

Our plans for 2023–24 are to continue development of the value and impact of our support for our members in Ireland. We will achieve this by working to support members through greater contextualised training and consultancy relevant to your needs. To ensure stronger partnership and closer engagement, we will also introduce an Advance HE Irish Strategic Advisory Board to guide our work with you, and for you.

Find out what member benefits are available to your institution

Not sure if your institution is already a member? Check our current member list.

Download the brochure
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At University College Cork, our people are central to all we do. We seek to provide opportunities for all our staff to
reach their full potential. Advance HE membership provides rich and inspiring support for us in that endeavour.”

Professor John O'Halloran
President, University College Cork

Kate Weedy

Contact your Head of Partnerships

Our dedicated Ireland-based team comprises the Head of Partnerships for Ireland, Kate Weedy; the Head of Athena Swan Ireland, Sarah Fink; and Athena Swan's National Advisor, Irene Byrne. Our broader colleagues work closely with the Ireland team to support membership, development, and resourcing for the Irish sector.

Contact Kate
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Working with you

Our membership facilitates collaboration, co-creation and understanding, supporting you to overcome the challenges of the modern HE and FE sector

Global Themes

Supporting and working collaboratively with our members to meet key areas of challenge.
Explore this year's global themes

Collaborative Development Fund

Project funding supports the development of our members by addressing key sector challenges together.
Learn more

Digital development

We are developing a series of self-directed e-learning modules on Academic Integrity and introduction to HE, with a view to launching by the end of 2023.
Read more

Dedicated Advance HE Contact

Your Head of Partnerships is a sounding-board with strategic understanding of your context, stakeholders and objectives.
Meet the team


Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education
Learn more

Global Impact Grants

Through funding case studies, our Global Impact Grants are an opportunity for Advance HE members to share success stories about higher education projects that have had a demonstrable impact on their staff or students.
See this year's awards

Publications, projects and resources

Exclusive access to the latest practical support from Advance HE and a bank of over 8,400 resources.
Explore resources

Strategic Advisory Groups

Member-led groups ensure that we develop member benefits in the areas that deliver the most value to you.
Find out more
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Connecting the sector

Advance HE creates space for members to come together to create solutions to their shared challenges, share best practice and be inspired by and celebrate the excellent work taking place within the sector.

Accredited Programme Leader Network

This dedicated network hosted within Advance HE Connect provides an opportunity for all those leading and managing accredited provisions to connect.
Find out more

Advance HE Connect

Advance HE Connect is an online community of practice exclusively for the higher and further education sector with over 19,000 participants from around the world.
Find out more
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Strengthening your membership 

These member benefits address the big challenges facing the sector as a whole, delivering modern frameworks for institutional and individual recognition, and evidence-based, accessible solutions fit for the rapidly evolving sector environment.

Leadership Survey and Framework

Using the unique evidence base created by the survey, we will work with members to explore the development of a framework that articulates the dimensions that contribute to effective leadership.
Find out more
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Membership discounts

Advance HE members benefit from additional discounts on our services to further unlock the potential of your people and support your institution.

Consultancy and Enhancement Services

Advance HE members benefit from a 10% member discount on consultancy services that support the shaping and delivery of strategic priorities.

Find out more

Development Programmes, Conferences and Events

Advance HE members benefit from a 25% discount on our extensive portfolio of programmes, conferences and events. 

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Accreditation options

Advance HE Membership offers research and higher education providers in the Republic of Ireland the following accreditation package options, helping you to achieve your goals and provide confidence.

Strategic membership in Ireland can include Teaching and Learning Accreditation or access to the Athena Swan Ireland charter for institutions not funded through the Higher Education Authority.

Athena Swan Ireland

The objective of the Athena Swan Ireland charter framework is to support higher education institutions, academic departments, and professional units in impactful and sustainable gender equality work and to build capacity for evidence-based equality work across the equality grounds enshrined in Irish legislation. 

Find out more
Athena Swan Ireland logo
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Teaching and Learning Accreditation

Advance HE Teaching and Learning Accreditation reinforces your commitment to the professional development of the wide range of staff that have a role in teaching and learning. Accreditation confirms alignment with the Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and enables accredited members to award Fellowships.

Find out more
T&L Accreditation.JPG
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