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Women in HE Conference 2021

Academic Governance in Higher Education

Providing assurance about academic governance – the oversight of teaching, learning and research -  is a core function of the governing body.

“The governing body must actively seek and receive assurance that academic governance is robust and effective."
CUC HE Code of Governance 2020

Members of governing bodies in all HE providers need to have confidence in their academic governance, especially given their duty to provide academic assurance, which requires members to rely on the institution’s academic governance arrangements.

Dr Colette Fletcher
Effective academic governance and assurance are arguably the most challenging, and rewarding, aspects of any governing body’s role. Recent developments in teaching and learning have moved at pace as institutions explore the opportunities that advances in technology present, and the implications for the student experience of a more digitally focused offer. Effective academic governance is crucial if students, staff and other stakeholders are to have confidence in the ever-evolving academic offer and the value that higher education brings. "

Collette Fletcher
Head of Consulting and Governance, Advance HE

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Academic Governance reports, publications and resources

Advance HE has curated a number of resources to support the understanding of the role of Academic Governance in a higher education provider. These cover guides to support those new to Academic Governance, practical advice for boards, and insights including case studies and are available to download below.

An introduction to Academic Governance in Higher Education for new Governors

This brief guide intends to help new Governors acclimatise to some of the language, acronyms and terminology relevant to academic governance in UK higher education. Download the guide.

Governance Effectiveness Projects: Academic Assurance

This is collaborative member benefit project between Advance HE, UUK, CUC and GuildHE which aims to convene the sector to understand shared challenges and approaches to academic assurance. Explore the resources.

How to think about academic governance in Higher Education

This guide overviews the essential requirements for a successful set of arrangements in the development of a culture within the leadership team of openness, trust and respect. In our view, there needs to be an integrated and embedded culture that understands and accepts different duties in that part of institutional life where corporate and academic governance meet. Download the guide.

Practical advice to support the governing body with academic assurance

The points included in this advice may be helpful for lay or external Governors, especially those new to higher and further education understand academic assurance. They may also be helpful to staff and student Governors, governing body Secretaries and Clerks and senior managers. Download the guide.

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