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Authentic integration of mathematics and science: a model for integrating Mathematics and Science in 2nd level education

A paper from the STEM Annual Conference 2012.

Research suggests that hands-on practical pupil-centred authentic activities should form a central element when designing an effective model for the integration of Mathematics and Science. The Authentic Instruction model developed by Fred Newmann and his associates in the early 1990's provides the foundation for a model for the integration of Mathematics and Science as it is integrative in its very nature and there is considerable empirical evidence backing up its merit. The characteristics of Authentic Instruction fit the needs of an increasingly constructive approach which is being adopted in various education systems (e.g. the new Project Maths syllabus in Ireland) while also ensuring significant learning (which can be implemented in real life contexts) takes place. As the Authentic Instruction model is not explicitly designed for the integration of Mathematics and Science some adjustment to the model is needed to ensure that all the specific needs of the integration of these two subjects are satisfied. Thus the author has taken the key elements of Authentic Instruction and modified them to produce a new model entitled Authentic Integration of Mathematics and Science (AIMS).

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.