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Is there an optimal teaching method? - HEA Surveys Conference 2017

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) conducts an annual national student survey. NOKUT has also conducted a survey among the scientific staff at a selection of  Norwegian educational institutions. All the participants were asked about several issues regarding quality of education of the study program they study or teach.


The purpose of the present project is to provide knowledge about the relationship between teaching methods and learning outcomes.

The main aims of our project are to:

1. Describe to what extent different teaching methods are used. 

2. Describe the reported learning outcomes from both students and teachers.

3. Analyse to which degree different teaching methods contribute to learning outcomes.

4. Perform a qualitative analysis on data from the Norwegian Centres for Excellence in Education.


These data will be analysed and discussed both on national level degree level and across disciplines of educations.

is_there_an_optimal_teaching_method._how_to_use_survey_data_to_find_out.pdf View Document

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.