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Virtual Reality to Simulate and Demonstrate Aging Impairments - NET2017 Conference

It can be challenge for a young nursing student having no experience on age related physical or cognitive impairments to understand how it feels to perform daily activities when vision hearing or moving is impaired. Students usually learn aging-related impairments by co-operative learning or self-directive virtual learning. 

Creative and invigorating learning environment like games promote learning. (Laru 2012 Khaddage et. al. 2014). Felicia & Egenfield-Nielsen (2011) raised a need to improve the quality of the games designed for educational purposes. Jessen (2011) states that there is a problem to create a learning game that both brings about the desired learning outcome and motivates the players sufficiently. Learning communities and learning networks must be considered in the design of learning games including the importance of social aspects (Jessen 2011 Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Virtual Reality places the user inside an experience: instead of viewing a screen in front of them users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. Virtual reality is primarily experienced through two senses: sight and sound. (Jackson 2015).


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