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Peer education in midwifery using an interactive board game experience - NET2017 Conference

We undertook this project in the second year of our midwifery programme as part of a unit of learning and assessment around women’s public health needs. The unit involved being divided into groups to provide an education session for our peers around public health needs of women related to pregnancy and childbirth which was then formally assessed. We were asked to create a learning experience that would use innovation and creativity. The topic we were given was to compare women’s needs in pregnancy around poverty in the UK with that of another country. We chose to create an interactive board game to include all members of the class and to demonstrate our learning. We did this because we believed that it was essential to make the session enjoyable and appealing to student’s different learning styles.  An interactive approach was adopted to encourage student participation facilitate a deeper level of thinking thus promoting comments and asking questions.  Meaningful and fun learning was our priority. 

The presentation will describe the creation of the project and our involvement in the development. We will describe how we presented the topic and what we learned from it.  We will show some of the materials used and discuss some of the challenges of using this method of learning as well as the feedback from our peers.  We will talk about what we learned from the experience of the presentation and how we think it impacted on student experience. 

The Prezi of this presentation can be accessed here


The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.