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Psychology Applied Learning Scenarios (PALS): A practical introduction to problem-based learning using vignettes for psychology lecturers

The rapid expansion of problem-based learning and its applications in many different disciplines across the world may sometimes appear a little daunting to those of us who teach psychology and would like to try out this method but are unsure where to start.

This pack is intended to be a practical resource to help that process. It is not making any great claims to be innovative or original. Instead it is an account of how a psychology lecturer has used brief text-based vignettes or case study scenarios in her teaching and assessment of both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The aim has been to help her students apply their theoretical understandings in a way that is engaging stimulates their curiosity and gives them more 'power' and efficacy in the learning situation.

Psychology Applied Learning Scenarios (PALS) are easy to use adaptable and can promote effective learning either in a more traditionally-based course format or as an introduction to fully-fledged problem-based learning.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.