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Book Reviews: Calculator Statistics and Calculator Calculus

These two books whose authors have considerable experience of designing courses for students using graphics calculators are aimed at students aged 16 or over who are using Texas Instruments TI-83 or TI-83 Plus calculators. Graphics calculators are available in many schools and there is a demand among teachers for supporting materials. The overall approach of the books is to provide instructions that encourage students to take part in activities using their calculators and to check their progress against very well-written solutions at the end of each book. The solutions are illustrated by screen dumps and are written in a friendly encouraging tone. The books prompt students to think about concepts while doing practical calculator work. Each short unit ends with a useful So finally? section that either checks a student’s understanding of the main points of the unit or poses a more challenging question that could be used to start a class discussion.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.