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The Math Everywhere Courseware Series—Calculus&Mathematica

Mathematica veterans will probably remember the first version of Calculus&Mathematica which was published in a chunky set of spiralbound volumes by Addison-Wesley in the late ’80s (cf. the review in Maths & Stats). Ten years later Calculus&Mathematica is still going and in an expanded series of courseware packages; the whole series now goes under the name “Math Everywhere” ( It is no longer published in printed form by a mainstream publisher but is being distributed on CD-ROM by Wolfram Research Inc the creators of Mathematica who are promoting educational courseware as a “vertical application” of their own product (other computer mathematics software companies notably Matlab and Mathcad are actively doing this as well). Mathematica veterans will probably remember the first version of Calculus&Mathematica which was published in a chunky set of spiralbound volumes by Addison-Wesley in the late ’80s (cf. the review in Maths & Stats). Ten years later Calculus&Mathematica is still going and in an expanded series of courseware packages; the whole series now goes under the name “Math Everywhere” ( It is no longer published in printed form by a mainstream publisher but is being distributed on CD-ROM by Wolfram Research Inc the creators of Mathematica who are promoting educational courseware as a “vertical application” of their own product (other computer mathematics software companies notably Matlab and Mathcad are actively doing this as well).

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.