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Setting the Scene: Understanding student backgrounds as a method to enhance undergraduate teaching and learning in the mathematical sciences

Departments of Mathematical Sciences in HE need to build effectively on students’ existing knowledge skills and understanding to get the most out of the student intake and to provide the most stimulating learning environment for them. This can only be achieved if the departments are familiar with and understand the backgrounds of their student intake cohort. Clearly there is significant variation in prior learning. Some students enter HE through a standard A level route whilst others have alternative post-16 qualifications such as the IB or GNVQs. In addition to these “standard” students there are still others who enter HE via foundation courses or access routes. Between them these individuals possess a myriad of qualifications and experiences which combined qualify them to embark on a degree program in the mathematical sciences. This makes the task of building on what students have learnt seem very daunting.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.