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Advance HE Insight events - Postgraduate Student Voice

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Join us for a free webinar, at 10.00, on 7 December 2023, where we will be discussing the findings of the recently released sector reports for the 2023 Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research Experience Surveys (PRES & PTES).

Specifically, we will be engaging in a panel discussion and Q&A to consider the implications of the findings for Postgraduate students and researchers, for institutions and for the sector. 

This event will share findings from the surveys and highlight the areas in which students feel they need more support or ask for changes to be made. This will form the basis of our panel discussion. 

The PRES & PTES surveys provide the opportunity for research & taught postgraduate students across the sector to give feedback about their learning experience, the research environment, teaching and supervision, informing enhancements to their experience. The 2023 surveys represent the views of more than 100,000 students & researchers, across over 130 institutions in total. 

Key topics for discussion from the reports are likely to cover cost-of-living, the importance of the research community, online versus in-person learning and the global expansion of taught postgraduate provision. There will also be a detailed analysis of how the quality of the experience varies across different postgraduate cohorts.



Jonathan Neves

Head of Business Intelligence & Surveys
Advance HE
Jonathan joined Advance HE in 2015, bringing with him 16 years’ experience in customer insight and market research. Jonathan graduated from the University of Liverpool with a degree in Geography, and is a full member of the Market Research Society. Heading up the insights and student surveys portfolio at Advance HE, Jonathan is co-author of the Advance HE-HEPI Student Academic Experience Survey report, and is responsible for the overall strategy for the UK Engagement Survey as well as the Postgraduate Taught and Research Experience Surveys (PTES and PRES). Jonathan has also worked across the sector collaborating on the use of the UK Engagement Survey within Learning Gain pilots.

Jason Leman

Surveys Officer
Advance HE
Jason Leman, Advance HE
Jason is Surveys Executive at Advance HE, where he has worked on the development and running of the Postgraduate Taught and Research Experience Surveys (PTES and PRES) along with the UK Engagement Survey (UKES) for over a decade. Jason also has experience with a wide range of research methodologies, including literature reviews, case-study research and semi-structured interviewing.


Paul Wakeling

Professor, Department of Education
University of York
Paul Wakeling
Paul Wakeling is a professor in the Department of Education at the University of York. He has a longstanding interest in postgraduate education, particularly questions of access. He has completed work on doctoral and master’s education for various higher education bodies, including UKRI, OfS, AdvanceHE, ESRC, BBSRC, HEFCE, the Sutton Trust and numerous universities. He was a co-author of the independent review of the PhD in the social sciences and is currently leading work on doctoral selection and recruitment for the Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education, a consortium of five universities focused on improving doctoral access for racially minoritized graduates.

Dr Iwi Ugiagbe-Green

Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Iwi Ugiagbe-Green
Dr Iwi Ugiagbe-Green has over 20 years’ experience of working in higher education and nearly 15 years’ experience of supporting students’ transition to graduate labour market. In the last five years her work has focused on race and its intersection with other characteristics within the context of student education, experience, transition and progression to graduate labour market and postgraduate study. Iwi is an expert on race equity issues that impact students in higher education and graduate employment. Her work is inter-disciplinary and collaborative.

Martha Longdon

Office for Students (OfS)
Martha Longdon
Martha is Chair of the Office for Students’ Student Panel, a role she has held since 2019. In September 2021, Martha was reappointed to the OfS Board for 15 months from 1 October 2021 to 31 December 2022.