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De Montfort University: Increasing BAME student visibility

Increasing both current student and alumni BAME visibility through Marketing and Communications initiatives
Target Group
Academic staff
Early career staff
Postgraduate students
Professional and support staff
Undergraduate students
Initiative Theme
Initiative institution
De Montfort University
Application type
Race Equality Charter
Publication date

The institution has worked to include a variety of BAME role models within the university as it is beneficial to both staff and students in inspiring progression and demonstrating what is possible at the institution, both internally, and externally. The institution currently has fairly good representation of role models,  for example, their TV advert has BAME students as prominent participants. The institution also has selected role models representative of the  BAME community, particularly working with BAME alumni. In addition, the Marketing and Communications team worked with key stakeholders around the university (for example, careers/employability regarding alumni visibility, faculty managers around specific buildings). For alumni, there was development of an alumni employability 'package' to 'sell' to alumni, with an established pathway to facilitate alumni engagement.