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Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018: Educating for global competencies: What potential skills will become significantly important for success in the globalised world and how can teachers assist students to enhance these skills?

What skills will be globally recognised in a multicultural world? How can students learn and practice 21 century competencies? Is it good to incorporate experiential learning sessions in work-readiness within the curriculum? What is the impact on the learning and teaching process? Firstly this session will discuss measures to enhance students’ global awareness communication skills and interaction with technology in an interconnected society. Secondly it will highlight how students nurture skills to gain competency as a global workforce. The session concludes by demonstrating positive results of empowerment with global skills on students and teachers.

Room 564_AH3.6b_Preeti Jaiswal.pdf
Room 564_AH3.6b_Preeti Jaiswal.pdf View Document
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University of Bahrain

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.