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A blended-learning approach to supporting students in organic chemistry: methodology and outcomes

In the recent past we recognised the need to support students in developing an effective approach to learning mechanistic organic chemistry as many were finding it challenging to identify appropriate strategies to tackle this key area of their studies. A set of supporting resources in the form of videos and animations to reinforce understanding of the basic principles behind mechanisms were designed to improve skill levels and confidence. An online approach to delivery and engagement was combined with self-assessment to produce a package that was delivered as a vacation activity which was not credit bearing.

The outcomes of the initial experiment included excellent levels of uptake by students with many expressing greater confidence in their ability to understand and apply their mechanistic knowledge. Since the first iteration of this project a thorough qualitative evaluation has been undertaken. The clear message is that students found these resources valuable in their learning. This paper will describe the methodology and the outcomes from both the student and tutor perspective.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.