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Embedding employability in the Context of Widening Participation

This publication discusses how the issue of employability relates to student diversity. It considers the breadth of diversity in the student population and the particular barriers these students may face in relation to employability. It then illustrates how steps can be implemented throughout the student lifecycle to improve the employability of all students but particularly those from non-traditional backgrounds. It considers the breadth of diversity in the student population and the particular barriers these students may face in relation to employability. It then illustrates how steps can be implemented throughout the student lifecycle to improve the employability of all students but particularly those from nontraditional backgrounds.

Like others in this series this publication has adopted a working definition of employability as:

"a set of achievements and skills understandings and personal attributes and that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations which benefits themselves the workforce the community and the economy."

This and other definitions of employability are discussed in the introductory publication Employability in higher education: what it is and what it is not. (Yorke 2004 reissued 2006). This publication is relevant to those staff who have a diverse range of students within their institutions and who wish to embed employability throughout the student experience. For the hard-pressed reader the core features of this publication are in Sections 5-10.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.