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Internationalising higher education - HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight

Leave No One Behind: Pathways to Partnership in Urban Regeneration Cities are products of human creation and a measure of the progress of our civilisation. Cities were emblematic as sites for healthy prosperous peaceful living. Now with more than half of the humanity now living in urban areas it becomes incumbent on academics and practitioners to respond to the key challenges associated with the 21st centuries most transformative trends. While opportunities have multiplied it has also resulted in rising inequalities coupled with critical environmental and socio-cultural challenges. This paper seeks to demonstrate the ways by which a teaching module tackled the critical global and regional challenges. This was largely accomplished by bringing the world to the classroom and thereby sensitise students to the complexity of space place and culture and the relevance of an intercultural dialogue in a globalised by largely unequal world. Integrating community-based partnership into learning and teaching enabled a collaborative co-production of research-led teaching. The module helped to challenge global and local myths and the role that leadership in the community play in ameliorating the costs associated with urban transformation in an unequal world

The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.