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Learning About Me As Well As The Subject: Metalearning Through the Use of Learning Inventories

It is specifically concerned with the role of learning inventories in this process and how they can enable students to:

  1. Assess their strengths and weaknesses in relation to learning capabilities and emotional competence.
  2. Understand the concepts and processes of learning.
  3. Acquire a language to articulate the learning that has taken place.

This case study focuses on the use of learning inventories to assist students in developing a capacity for metalearning (the ability to understand and manage one's own learning). Several studies have considered the impact of self-report/assessment learning inventories on students' capacity to understand and regulate their own learning: (Meyer & Shanahan 2004; Muis Winne & Jamieson-Noel 2007; and Norton Owens & Clark 2004). The relationship between learning inventories and critically reflective learning is considered in this case study.

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The materials published on this page were originally created by the Higher Education Academy.